Release is a git tag#

For example, current repo state is:

commit 86269212 Release commit (HEAD, master)
commit e7bdbe51 Another commit
commit 273c47eb Long long ago

And you want to use git tag as a release number instead of duplicating it in or other file.

Just install setuptools-git-versioning and then tag the commit with a proper release version (e.g. 1.0.0):

commit 86269212 Release commit (v1.0.0, HEAD, master)
commit e7bdbe51 Another commit
commit 273c47eb Long long ago

Your package version is now 1.0.0.

If tag number had v prefix, like v1.0.0, it will be trimmed.

Version number template#

By default, when you try to get current version, you’ll receive version == current tag, e.g. 1.0.0.

You can change this template in the config file:

import setuptools

        "template": "2022.{tag}",  # <---

In this case, for tag 3.4 version number will be 2022.3.4


If tag name is not PEP 440 compliant, like "release/1.2.3", use tag_formatter option

See also#