Read some file content as current version#

For example, current repo state is:

commit 233f6d72 Dev branch commit (HEAD, dev)
|    commit 86269212 Release commit (v1.0.0, master)
|    |
|   commit e7bdbe51 Another commit
|    /
commit 273c47eb Long long ago

By default, when you try to get current version, you’ll receive some initial value (see starting_version option).

But if you want to get synchronized version numbers in both on the branches, you can create a text file (for example, VERSION or VERSION.txt) and save here current version number:


Then place it in both the branches and update your config file:

import setuptools
from pathlib import Path

root_path = Path(__file__).parent
version_file = root_path / "VERSION"

        "enabled": True,
        "version_file": version_file,  # <---

When you’ll try to get current version in non-master branch, the content of this file (1.0.0) will be returned instead default version number.

Please take into account that any tags in the repo are ignored if this option is being used.

See also#